Ulga termomodernizacyjna – przykład rozliczenia

Thermo-modernisation allowance - example of settlement

THERMOMODERNIZATION RELIEF - EXAMPLE OF ACCOUNTING The thermo-modernisation relief is gaining popularity among single-family homeowners as a method for a significant tax return and an incentive to invest in renewable energy sources and better air quality by reducing harmful emissions. For the 2023/2024 tax year, both the maximum amount of the allowance, which is £53,000 for a single person and...

Uchwała Antysmogowa: Co zrobić, gdy nie stać nas na wymianę źródła ciepła?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you can't afford to replace your heat source?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you cannot afford to replace your heat source? Faced with the growing problem of air pollution, especially in the autumn and winter months, many cities and municipalities are initiating special subsidy programmes. To improve air quality, anti-smog resolutions have been introduced by local authorities. These mandate the replacement of outdated cookers of the lowest class with new equipment. The aim of the resolutions is to improve...

Prosument wirtualny – co warto o nim wiedzieć?

The virtual prosumer - what is worth knowing about it?

The virtual prosumer - what is worth knowing about it? The Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Act, amended in 2021, introduced significant modifications to the RES industry, including a new category of market participant - the virtual prosumer. Who qualifies to be a virtual prosumer and what benefits are associated with it? Who is a virtual prosumer? A virtual prosumer is a concept...

Czyste Powietrze – zmiany w programie od 1 kwietnia 2024

Clean Air - changes to the programme from 1 April 2024

Clean Air - changes to the programme from 1 April 2024 From 1 April, changes will be made to the Clean Air programme. NFOŚiGW is starting the process of controlling the parameters of heat pumps. From now on, beneficiaries will only invest in proven devices that are on the ZUM list : https://lista-zum.ios.edu.pl/ Clean Air 2024 Programme The Clean Air Programme, launched in 2018,...

Termomodernizacja – czym jest? Jak podejść do termomodernizacji budynku?

Thermo-modernisation - what is it? How do I approach the thermo-modernisation of a building?

Thermo-modernisation - what is it? How do I approach the thermo-modernisation of a building? Thermomodernisation of single-family houses is one of the biggest challenges facing building owners in the coming years. In an era of rising energy and energy-related costs, it is becoming necessary to apply solutions that will reduce costs in the future. That is why, for some time now, building thermo-modernisation has been a popular option for achieving...

Magazyn energii a cena: ile kosztuje magazyn energii?
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Energy storage and price: how much does energy storage cost?

Energy storage and price: how much does energy storage cost? Nowadays, with environmental concerns becoming very important, more and more people are turning their attention to sustainable and green energy sources. One of the more popular alternatives gaining ground are photovoltaic installations, which are becoming increasingly popular - allowing electricity to be drawn from...

Opłata mocowa – co to jest?

Power charge - what is it?

Power fee The power fee is one of the components of the costs on the electricity invoice. It was introduced in January 2021 with the introduction of the Polish power market. The capacity charge is added to all electricity bills regardless of the size of the electricity consumer concerned. From the article, you will learn - what the capacity charge is and why it was created,...

Elastyczna taryfa G12 – dla kogo?

Flexible G12 tariff - for whom?

Flexible G12 tariff The G12 tariff is just as popular as the G11 tariff. They are the most common tariff chosen by residential consumers. The G12 tariff is a good choice for people with a high demand for electricity. Who is G12 dedicated to and when is it worth choosing this billing method? What is the G12 tariff? The main feature of the G12 tariff is the division into two zones...

Taryfa G11 – kiedy warto ją wybrać?

The G11 tariff - when is it worth choosing it?

The G11 tariff - when is it worth choosing it? The G11 tariff is the option most often chosen by residential consumers. The popularity of the G11 tariff is due to its transparency and simplicity, as the price of electricity is constant all hours and days of the week. When is the G11 tariff the best option and when is it worth choosing it? What is the G11 tariff? The G11 tariff...

Ile kosztuje założenie fotowoltaiki: Kompleksowy przewodnik po cenach i opłacalności

How much does it cost to set up photovoltaics: A comprehensive guide to pricing and cost-effectiveness

How much does it cost to set up photovoltaics? This is a question that many people interested in investing in renewable energy sources ask themselves. In this article, we take a look at the costs associated with a photovoltaic installation, the cost-effectiveness of such an investment and funding and grant opportunities. The basics of photovoltaics Before starting to analyse the costs associated with setting up a photovoltaic system, it is helpful to understand the basic concepts and principles of a photovoltaic system. Photovoltaics...

Mój Prąd 5.0

My Current 5.0

On 17 April, an official announcement was made about the start date of the next edition of the renewable energy subsidy programme - MY GENERATION 5.0! When will the call for applications for the My Current 5.0 programme start? The call for applications has been scheduled for 22 April 2023, which is Earth Day. My electricity - about the programme The aim of the programme is to support investment in...

Prosument lokatorski – co to takiego? – Aktualizacja

Tenant-based Prosument - what is it? - Update

UPDATE FEBRUARY 2023 RES Grant 1.02.2023. - 30.06.2026 An investor who is the owner or manager of a multi-family building may apply for the RES Grant. The RES Grant is available to an investor implementing a project involving the purchase, installation, construction or modernisation of a renewable energy source installation - it amounts to 50 per cent of the cost of this project. When submitting an application, one must include: 1. documentation...