Dotacje na magazyny energii dla przedsiębiorców? Nowy pomysł NFOŚiGW

Energy storage subsidies for entrepreneurs? New idea from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

Energy storage subsidies for entrepreneurs? New idea from NFOŚiGW Energy storages are a technology that can quickly increase the flexibility and security of the Polish energy system. To achieve this, it is necessary to create the right market conditions for investors. In addition, the construction of storage facilities could be significantly accelerated with the help of EU funding for the energy transition. It appears that the latter...

Program priorytetowy Moja elektrownia wiatrowa ruszył!

The My wind turbine priority programme has started!

Priority programme My wind power plant The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced the start of a new programme for prosumers. The aim of the programme is to develop prosumer energy in the area of micro wind power plants or to support the purchase and installation of a backyard wind power plant together with electricity storage. Details of the programme The programme is aimed at owners and co-owners of single-family houses who generate energy...

Na jaki system rozliczania fotowoltaiki zdecydować się? Zmiany od 1 lipca 2024

Which photovoltaic billing system to opt for? Changes from 1 July 2024

Which photovoltaic billing system to opt for? Changes from 1 July 2024 From 1 July 2024, the billing rules for owners of domestic solar PV installations will change. New prosumers, i.e. those whose installation comes online after 1 July, will be put on a new model - average hourly price. Existing ones, will have the choice of whether they want to change to the current billing model....

Mój Prąd 6.0 po wakacjach!

My Current 6.0 after the holidays!

My Current 6.0 after the summer! The President of NFOŚiGW has announced that the 6th edition of the My Current programme will start just after the summer holidays. The next edition of the programme is due to start, once the 5th edition benefits have been paid out. Only when all applications have been processed, can we expect the next intake to start. The "post-holiday" deadline mentioned by the President of the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Authority may therefore refer to September or...

Jak należy czytać fakturę za prąd będąc prosumentem?

How should you read your electricity invoice if you are a prosumer?

How should you read your electricity invoice as a prosumer? Reading your electricity invoice as a prosumer can be a challenge, especially if you're just starting out with photovoltaics. This post will help you understand the key elements of the invoice and what they mean for your household budget. The prosumer contract and electricity invoices with photovoltaics Installing a photovoltaic system has many benefits....

Bon energetyczny dla użytkowników pomp ciepła

Energy voucher for heat pump users

Energy voucher for heat pump users From 1 July 2024, the energy shield will cease to apply and instead a maximum electricity rate and an energy voucher will be introduced. The rules regarding the so-called electricity price freeze will change. To protect the poorest households from energy bill increases, the government has proposed the introduction of an energy voucher. The amount of the new benefit is to be ...

Ulga termomodernizacyjna – przykład rozliczenia

Thermo-modernisation allowance - example of settlement

THERMOMODERNIZATION RELIEF - EXAMPLE OF ACCOUNTING The thermo-modernisation relief is gaining popularity among single-family homeowners as a method for a significant tax return and an incentive to invest in renewable energy sources and better air quality by reducing harmful emissions. For the 2023/2024 tax year, both the maximum amount of the allowance, which is £53,000 for a single person and...

Uchwała Antysmogowa: Co zrobić, gdy nie stać nas na wymianę źródła ciepła?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you can't afford to replace your heat source?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you cannot afford to replace your heat source? Faced with the growing problem of air pollution, especially in the autumn and winter months, many cities and municipalities are initiating special subsidy programmes. To improve air quality, anti-smog resolutions have been introduced by local authorities. These mandate the replacement of outdated cookers of the lowest class with new equipment. The aim of the resolutions is to improve...

Prosument wirtualny – co warto o nim wiedzieć?

The virtual prosumer - what is worth knowing about it?

The virtual prosumer - what is worth knowing about it? The Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Act, amended in 2021, introduced significant modifications to the RES industry, including a new category of market participant - the virtual prosumer. Who qualifies to be a virtual prosumer and what benefits are associated with it? Who is a virtual prosumer? A virtual prosumer is a concept...

Czyste Powietrze – zmiany w programie od 1 kwietnia 2024

Clean Air - changes to the programme from 1 April 2024

Clean Air - changes to the programme from 1 April 2024 From 1 April, changes will be made to the Clean Air programme. NFOŚiGW is starting the process of controlling the parameters of heat pumps. From now on, beneficiaries will only invest in proven devices that are on the ZUM list : Clean Air 2024 Programme The Clean Air Programme, launched in 2018,...