Photovoltaics have become a common feature of the Polish landscape at a fairly rapid pace. As part of a strategy to diversify energy sources, quite a number of smaller and larger solar farms have been built recently. Government incentives, rebates and subsidies are attracting more investors to enter this market. Private households are also increasingly recognising the usefulness and benefits of photovoltaics. The trend of erecting photovoltaic micro-installations in domestic settings is becoming apparent. But what specifically is photovoltaics in the form of a micro-installation?
How does a photovoltaic micro-installation work?
One might be tempted to say that micro-installations form the basis of the energy transition. These are domestic, small-scale photovoltaic sets.
They make it possible to satisfy own household needs.
That the design meets the definition of a micro-installation, its power must not exceed 50 kW.
The micro-installation owner can sell surplus energy produced to the grid operator. Furthermore, during the period when the system does not meet the current demand for energy, the host can take back from the grid the electricity he or she has produced. The off-take is exchanged at a ratio of 0.8 to 1. This means that for generating 1kWh, 0.8 kWh can be taken from the grid. The most favourable option for prosumers is therefore to consume the resources obtained on an ongoing basis.
Benefits of home photovoltaics
The government has created a number of instruments to encourage homeowners to invest in photovoltaics as part of promoting the transition to renewable energy sources. First and foremost, the process of building photovoltaic installations has been de-bureaucratised - if the capacity does not exceed 50 kW, there is no need to declare the construction. A licence for electricity production is also not required. The farmer does not pay for the connection to the grid and for the installation of a two-way meter. In addition, a favourable accounting and tax deduction method is also introduced for solar prosumers.
Clean energy sources are increasingly breaking through into people's consciousness. It is to be expected that there will be more investment in RES. Particularly as producers and homeowners can thus reduce their daily operating costs.