Financing of eco-installations
Current grants:
The aim of the programme My Current is subsidies for photovoltaicsto increase Poles' interest in alternative sources of electricity generation. Today, the programme looks slightly different than before, as subsidy for photovoltaics 2023 includes not only panels, but also all kinds of systems created for the storage, production, consumption of energy and heat pumps.
Subsidies for photovoltaics are aimed at individuals who have a contract with a Distribution Network Operator for a photovoltaic micro-installation. Financial support can also be sought for equipment to store electricity and heat at the same location as the electricity is produced. This way, you do not have to use the general grid. In addition My Current 5.0 provides funding for equipment to manage the electricity generated.
My Electricity 5.0 is aimed at prosumers who, as at the date of application, have a connected photovoltaic micro-installation with a capacity of between 2 kWp and 10 kWp and are billed for the electricity they produce through a system of net-billing.
The premise of the fifth photovoltaic subsidy is to go beyond the photovoltaic panels themselves, i.e. to reach people who do not want to be dependent on the general electricity grid in any way. They can ensure the stable operation of their appliances and rationally manage the electricity generated. This also raises awareness of the use of home appliances and contributes to an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
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The aim of the programme is to support the development of individual heating and prosumer energy development in the area of air, water and ground source heat pumps in new single-family residential buildings.
Co-financing of investments consisting in the purchase and installation of new heat pumps (air and ground source) used for heating purposes or for heating and domestic hot water in new single-family residential buildings. Heat pumps operating only for DHW purposes are excluded from the My Heat grant.
The co-financing of the investment is subject to:
- Purchase/installation of ground source heat pumps - ground/water, water/water heat pumps with accessories, storage/buffer tank, domestic hot water tank with accessories,
- purchase/installation of an air/air heat pump (in a central system serving the entire building) with accessories,
- purchase/installation of air/water heat pump with accessories, storage/buffer tank, hot water tank with accessories.
In a single-family dwelling must not be (also during the lifetime of the investment) a solid fuel heat source.
The call for applications is continuous 29.04.2022 to 31.12.2026. or until the dedicated pool of funds is exhausted.
The programme is aimed at:
- Owners and co-owners new a single-family residential building. A new single-family residential building is understood to be a building for which, as at the date of the grant application:
- a notification of completion of construction of a single-family residential building was not submitted or an application for a decision on permission to use was not submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 7 July 1994 Construction Law (i.e.: Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1333, as amended) or
- a notice of completion of the construction of a single-family dwelling has been submitted no earlier than 01.01.2021 or an application for an occupancy permit has been submitted no earlier than 01.01.2021.
- The applicant/beneficiary must be the person named in the planning permission or building notification for the construction of the single-family dwelling.
- The applicant must be identified as the buyer/receiver on the invoice or equivalent accounting document - if there is a difference between the applicant and the buyer/receiver, a statement to this effect must be included.
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The essence of the programme is to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing heat sources and improving the energy efficiency of single-family residential buildings.
The tool to achieve the objective is to subsidise projects implemented by beneficiaries eligible for the basic subsidy level, beneficiaries eligible for the increased subsidy level and beneficiaries eligible for the highest subsidy level.
The beneficiaries were divided into three groups:
Group one: Persons declaring an annual income of less than PLN 100 000. They are entitled to receive a PLN 25,000 grant.
Group two: Persons whose average monthly income per family member does not exceed PLN 1,564 (in the case of multi-family households) or PLN 2,189 (in the case of single-person households). Such persons can count on a subsidy of PLN 32,000.
Group three: Persons whose average monthly income per family member does not exceed PLN 900 (in the case of multi-family households) or PLN 1,260 (in the case of single-person households). Such persons can count on a subsidy of PLN 60,000.
Who can benefit from the programme?
The Clean Air Programme is open to any natural person who owns or co-owns a property.
Important dates
- 2018-2029 - duration of the programme
- 31.12.2027 - last day for signing of contracts
- 30.06.2029 - completion of all contracted works
How much money can be received?
Those who take advantage of the Clean Air Programme will be reimbursed for part of their investment. The maximum value of the investment for which a grant is calculated is PLN 53,000. In the event that the investment costs exceed £53,000, interested parties can receive loan for additional expenditure. The minimum value of an eligible investment is PLN 7,000.
What can you get funding for?
- replacing old cookers and boilers using solid fuels,
- wall insulation,
- replacement of window and door joinery,
- installation or modernisation of central heating and hot water systems,
- installation of renewable energy sources (e.g. photovoltaic installations),
- energy audit,
- installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.
Clean air+ - that is, the payoff before the renovation.
As of 15 July 2022, it is possible to obtain a surcharge before the start of the investment. An investor can submit New proposal under the Clean Air+ programme for funding for the replacement of a boiler that does not meet ecological standards, the installation of a new heat source and the thermal modernisation of the building. Under this programme, you can obtain 50% of the anticipated investment grant prior to its commencement.
50% of the maximum subsidy expected for the investor in question will be transferred to the contractor's accountso that he can purchase the materials and start work. Contracts with up to three contractors can be submitted in the application. The programme is expected to work quickly. The money is to be transferred to the contractor within 14 days of signing the grant agreement.
Upon completion, the remaining 50% value of the grant is to be transferred as soon as possible to the investor's account. The intention of the iteration of the Clean Air+ programme is for the state to take over the obligation to finance thermal modernisation projects.
How do I obtain funding?
- Examine the requirements of the building - the current state and needs of the building, which must be included in the energy audit or simplified energy analysis. These will then be reviewed by a representative of the WFOŚiGW.
- Submit your application - they will be accepted and processed by the the territorially competent Provincial Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
- Sign the funding agreement.
- Apply for payments - can be paid in several tranches.
- Completion of the project - A visit by a representative of the WFOŚiGW will confirm the implementation of the project. In addition, it is possible to inspect the project during the sustainability period (project maintenance) by 3 years.
- Settlement of the project - To take place after positive verification implementation of the project by a representative of the WFOŚiGW.
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Agroenergia is a programme aimed at farmers who are interested in green energy production. It includes both subsidies for installations under construction and low-interest loans. The funds can be used, among other things, for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic systems, electricity storage and heat pumps. The aim of the programme is to improve living conditions in the countryside and introduce clean energy into agricultural activities.
To 30.06.2027 r. Farmers can benefit from a programme providing funding for photovoltaic installations, up to PLN 25 000. Natural or legal persons owning or leasing agricultural property between 1 and 300 hectares and having been farming for at least one year can benefit from the funding.
Interested persons may receive a grant of up to 20% costs qualified. For installations of 10-30 kWp, the subsidy amount will be no more than PLN 15 000 and, in the case of larger installations, between 30 and 50, no more than PLN 25,000.
It is also possible to obtain funding for a hybrid installation, i.e. photovoltaics and a heat pump, for example. an allowance of PLN 10,000. Agroenergy 2021 programme subsidises energy storage of no more than 50% of the cost of the generation source.
If you are interested in benefiting from the Agroenergy 2021 -. contact us! Our experts will work with you to size your installation and help you choose the best components so you can enjoy your own energy!
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The programme is aimed at municipalities. However, its final recipients are owners or co-owners of dwellings in multi-family buildings. The second call runs until the end of 2023.
The 'Ciepłe Mieszkanie' programme is primarily intended to help with the thermal modernisation of flats in multi-family buildings. What specifically can you get money for?
- replacement and dismantling of the old cooker,
- replacement of windows and doors,
- connection of the building to a common heat source,
- installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery,
- installation of central heating and hot water,
- installation of photovoltaics (small residential communities).
- heat pump installation,
building insulation
Three income thresholds approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment:
- basic level of funding - income of up to £135,000 per year,
- increased level of subsidy - PLN 1894 per month/person (multi-person household) or PLN 2651 per month/person (single-person household),
- highest level of subsidy - per person per month: PLN 1090 (multi-person households), PLN 1526 (single-person households).
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All owners and co-owners of a single-family house can benefit from the thermal modernisation allowance. Even if the house has more than one owner, each owner has a tax deduction of up to £53,000.
The amount of the deduction applies to the taxpayer, not to the property he owns. Therefore, if we own 3 single-family buildings in which we have carried out thermal modernisation, the amount of the deduction will be a total of PLN 53,000, not PLN 53,000 for each building.
When deducting the allowance, it is important to rely on the VAT invoices for the thermo-modernisation expenses. It is important to collect only invoices, from the year to which your tax return relates. Once you have added up the amount from all the invoices, you must include it in your return (deduct it from your income or revenue). You complete the data in in the PIT/O document, in part B., in the field "Expenditure on the realisation of a thermal modernisation project".
What can be deducted with the thermal modernisation allowance?
The condition to benefit from the relief is to spend the funds on projects that reduce energy consumption. Such expenditure includes, among others:
- photovoltaic installation and accessories (also in combination with other programmes or subsidies)
- connection to gas and district heating networks
- installation of electric, gas, oil heating
- photovoltaic panel or solar collector with accessories
- heat pump installation
- replacement of doors and windows (roof, balcony, non-opening), garage doors and their dedicated installation systems
- Insulation and modernisation of the building (including roof), implementation of ventilation, recuperation
- insulation and damp-proofing materials for building partitions, balcony slabs, foundations and for the electric heating system and heating installation
- building energy efficiency audit and design documentation
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Don't have the funds to cover your renewable energy investment?
When you decide to work with Sollab, you can rely on a loan to finance your investment. If you are interested in investing in renewable energy sources but do not have enough cash, we offer you a favourable solution - a loan from Santander, BNP Paribas or Inbank.
We have undertaken cooperation with three large banks:
- Santander
- BNP Paribas
- Inbank
If you want to find out more
We offer favourable leasing to business customers. In practice, a leasing loan is very similar to an ordinary bank loan. The difference lies in the possibility of applying for a subsidy and reimbursement of part of the investment incurred. In addition, you can write off the depreciation yourself and the formalities are kept to a minimum. Take advantage of attractive leasing for your photovoltaic installation.
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