National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has scheduled the launch of new funding for the first half of 2022
named "'My Heat'. This programme is an extremely important element in the fight
with nationwide air pollution, particularly smog. The aim of the programme is to financially support the purchase and installation of heat pumps, which are one of the
of the most environmentally friendly heating sources.
The "My Heat" programme was approved by the Investment Committee of the Modernisation Fund following a positive evaluation and recommendation by the European Investment Bank.
Budget of the programme and envisaged funding amounts
The expected form of grant support is up to 30% of eligible costsdepending on the pump used, however no more than PLN 21 000 for a ground source heat pump and PLN 7 000 for an air source heat pump. The total budget for the 'My Heat' programme is PLN 600 million.
The 'My Heat' programme will be able to reimburse eligible costs incurred from 01.01.2021.
What's new?
What makes the new programme unique is that it will apply to the purchase and installation of heat pumps in new single-family homes with a higher energy standard. Until now, funding for heat pumps could be obtained under the Clean Air Programme, but this did not include new buildings or those still under construction.
Financial support will be available for the installation of both water, air and ground source heat pumps. It is aimed at natural persons, i.e. owners or co-owners (end users) of residential buildings.
A comprehensive solution - "My heat" and "My electricity"
The name of the subsidy is deliberately reminiscent of the 'My Electricity' programme, as it too is based on the awarding of subsidies and the submission of applications for the subsidy is intended to be just as quick
and easy. Beneficiaries of the 'My Heat' programme can also apply for a grant from the 'My Electricity' programme for the installation of a photovoltaic system. This is the most cost-effective, comprehensive solutionwhich, together with its own photovoltaic installation, ensures the energy independence of the building. The existing forms of co-financing are intended to complement each other, providing support for the development of the renewable energy sector in Poland.
What conditions must be met?
The fact that receipt of funding under the new programme will depend on the technical condition of the building in which the heat pump is to be installed. Effective from January 2021, the new technical conditions for a building under construction require an Ep factor of 70 kWh/ (m²/year) to be achieved. However, more stringent requirements will need to be met in order to receive funding from the 'My Heat' programme:
in the first (transitional) year of the scheme's operation there will be a minimum Ep requirement of 63 kWh/ (m²/year)
in subsequent years, while the Ep requirement is to be a minimum of 55 kWh/ (m²/year).