Systemy montażu fotowoltaiki na dach płaski – jakie możliwości ma inwestor?

Photovoltaic mounting systems for a flat roof - what options do builders have?

Photovoltaic mounting systems for flat roofs - what options are available to the developer? Photovoltaic mounting systems for flat roofs are designed to maximise the efficiency of the solar panels while ensuring their stability and safety. Different technologies and methods are used to install panels on flat roofs, which must take into account factors such as the direction, pitch of the panels, load...

Ulga termomodernizacyjna – przykład rozliczenia

Thermo-modernisation allowance - example of settlement

THERMOMODERNIZATION RELIEF - EXAMPLE OF ACCOUNTING The thermo-modernisation relief is gaining popularity among single-family homeowners as a method for a significant tax return and an incentive to invest in renewable energy sources and better air quality by reducing harmful emissions. For the 2023/2024 tax year, both the maximum amount of the allowance, which is £53,000 for a single person and...

Uchwała Antysmogowa: Co zrobić, gdy nie stać nas na wymianę źródła ciepła?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you can't afford to replace your heat source?

Anti-smog resolution: what to do if you cannot afford to replace your heat source? Faced with the growing problem of air pollution, especially in the autumn and winter months, many cities and municipalities are initiating special subsidy programmes. To improve air quality, anti-smog resolutions have been introduced by local authorities. These mandate the replacement of outdated cookers of the lowest class with new equipment. The aim of the resolutions is to improve...

Mała elektrownia wiatrowa – jak działa?

Small wind power plant - how does it work?

How does a wind power plant work? In today's world, where sustainability and renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important, small wind turbines are gaining in popularity. Have you ever wondered exactly how a wind turbine works? These compact versions of their larger counterparts can be the perfect solution for households, small businesses where access to the electricity grid...

Jak wykryć uszkodzony panel fotowoltaiczny?

How to detect a faulty photovoltaic panel?

How to detect a faulty photovoltaic panel? Nowadays, solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular source of energy, thanks to its environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness. However, like any technology, photovoltaic installations can also encounter technical problems. A faulty PV panel can significantly reduce the efficiency of the entire system, so it is important to locate and repair it quickly. In this blog post, we outline some...

Jaki jest prawidłowy sposób łączenia paneli fotowoltaicznych?

What is the correct way to connect photovoltaic panels?

What is the correct way to connect photovoltaic panels? Connecting photovoltaic panels is a key part of building an efficient solar system. Connecting the panels correctly ensures maximum efficiency and reliability of the whole system. There are two main ways of connecting photovoltaic panels: in series and in parallel, and the choice of method depends on the specifications of the system and the expected performance. Which method is best? And can you...

Czy burza jest groźna dla fotowoltaiki?

Is the storm a threat to photovoltaics?

Is a storm dangerous for photovoltaics? A thunderstorm is one of the most dangerous atmospheric phenomena. Every year, lightning causes a lot of damage with heavy rain, gusty winds and lightning. Should owners of a photovoltaic installation be afraid of a thunderstorm? What risks does a lightning storm have for a photovoltaic installation? Check! Does photovoltaics attract lightning? It is a myth to believe that...

Jak sprawdzić ile prądu wyprodukowała fotowoltaika?

How do I find out how much electricity photovoltaics have produced?

How do you find out how much electricity your photovoltaic system has produced? Have you ever wondered how much energy your photovoltaic installation has produced? Monitoring the efficiency of your installation is key to understanding how much solar energy is converted into electricity. In this article, we'll discuss some methods to help you track the performance of your photovoltaic system. Energy given up and energy taken in - what you need to know Understanding the difference...

Dotacje na przydomowe elektrownie wiatrowe w 2024?

Subsidies for domestic wind farms in 2024?

Subsidies for domestic wind farms in 2024? The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has prepared a project to subsidise backyard wind power plants. Those interested in investing in this type of solution will be entitled to financial support and, in addition, under the programme, they can count on assistance in financing the purchase of energy storage. What does the programme consist of? According to information published by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and...

Moc przyłączeniowa i moc umowna w kontekście instalacji fotowoltaicznej

Connection power and contracted power in the context of a photovoltaic installation

Connection power and contracted power in the context of a photovoltaic installation The correct choice of contracted power is important in the context of optimising the costs associated with electricity consumption . The terms connection and contracted power are often confused with each other. What is the difference between contracted power and connection power? How do I choose the power of a photovoltaic installation so that the connection power is not exceeded?...

Czym charakteryzują się kable solarne w instalacji fotowoltaicznej?

What are the characteristics of solar cables in a photovoltaic installation?

Solar cables - what are their characteristics? The use of solar energy has become an integral part of today's ecology and sustainability. One of the key components of photovoltaic systems are solar cables and wires, which act as the energy backbone, transmitting energy from solar panels to consumer devices. In this article, we take a closer look at this vital but often underestimated component....

Energia bierna a instalacja fotowoltaiczna

Reactive energy and photovoltaic installation

Reactive energy and photovoltaic installation Owners of photovoltaic installations are obliged to settle accounts with the electricity company, and there are various more and less clear-cut items on their bills. One aspect that can be questionable is the concept of so-called reactive power. What is reactive power? What does reactive power compensation consist of? Here is what you should know on...