At a time of rising inflation and economic crisis, the search for sources of savings has become a necessity, for many building owners and managers. In some cases, this involves building work. One solution is renewable energy sources. It is also worth betting on modern thermo-modernisation.

Is there thermal modernisation?

Thermo-modernisation is an action aimed at reducing the heat demand of a building, and thus significantly reduce operating costs. It consists of insulating the structural elements of the building with special thermal insulation materials.

The exact objectives of thermomodernisation are included in the Act on Support for Thermomodernisation and Renovation. According to this document, thermomodernisation must entail, among other things:

  • reducing the energy used to heat domestic water and heat the home,
  • reducing heat loss in the building,
  • changing or modernising energy sources.

Thermomodernisation is divided into shallow, which mainly consists of replacing a high-emission heat source, such as an old coal-fired boiler, with a newer, environmentally friendly appliance, or deep, which involves additional measures such as insulating the building or replacing the window frames.

Why are heating costs rising?

Higher heating bills are not only an issue for the national economy, but also for the technical condition of the house. Heat stored inside a building escapes if proper insulation is not taken care of. As much as 20-35% of heat is lost through an uninsulated roof and another 20-30% from under-insulated walls.

If the insulation of a house is ineffective, running costs increase. This phenomenon is called heat loss, which cannot be avoided completely, but can be effectively reduced. If the house is properly insulated, less heat escapes and the amount of energy required for thermal comfort is significantly reduced.

Modern economical heating

By using more efficient heating, the cost of heating can be reduced. Purchasing a heat pump and carrying out the installations necessary for its correct operation is a way to save money. In order for a heat pump to work optimally, its output should be appropriately matched to the heat demand of the house. The energy consumption of a heat pump is incomparably lower compared to gas bills. It is also worth mentioning that the full energy requirement through the heat pump can be covered by a photovoltaic installation. Installing a heat pump makes it possible to heat a house in an environmentally friendly and emission-free manner. They are fully automated devices. It is only worthwhile to take care of the ongoing maintenance of the installation and to perform ongoing inspections.




There are quite a few ways to reduce heating costs. The basis is adequate thermal insulation. Whichever system is ultimately chosen, it is less heat will escape from a properly insulated house.


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