Nie daj Się Zaskoczyć Zimie – Jak Zabezpieczyć Pompę Ciepła przed Mrozem?

Don't Let Winter Surprise You - How to Protect Your Heat Pump from Frost?

Don't Let Winter Surprise You - How do you protect your heat pump from the cold? Winter is a time when our homes need reliable heating more than ever. However, heat pumps, which are an environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to traditional heating systems, require special attention during cold weather. In this post, you will learn how to properly prepare your heat pump for winter,...

Panele fotowoltaiczne na ogrodzeniu – czy to może się sprawdzić?

Photovoltaic panels on a fence - can it work?

Photovoltaic panels on a fence - can it work? Photovoltaics have been attracting widespread interest for several years, in Poland and worldwide. Mainly due to the savings it allows to generate, but also because of the numerous subsidies offered by the government. In most cases, investors decide to install a solar power plant on the roof of their home or business or...

Czym jest Fotowoltaika hybrydowa?

What is hybrid photovoltaics?

What is hybrid photovoltaics? Poland's energy policy aims to reduce the use of conventional energy sources. The recipe for meeting the requirements of the European Union is the development of photovoltaics. One of the greatest challenges facing prosumers is to increase the self-consumption of energy produced by a photovoltaic installation. Hybrid photovoltaic installations are meeting these expectations. What is a hybrid photovoltaic installation? A hybrid photovoltaic installation combines two...

Krzywa grzewcza – czym jest i jak ją ustawić ?

Heating curve - what is it and how to set it ?

Heating curve - what is it and how to set it ? To maintain the ideal room temperature, setting the heating curve is a priority. The main goal of the heat pump owner and installer is to ensure a comfortable temperature in the building. After all, comfort is the factor that is one of the greatest advantages of using heat pumps over other heating appliances. In the context of...

Czy można rozbudować instalację fotowoltaiczną?

Can a photovoltaic installation be extended?

Rising electricity and heating prices mean that current PV users are increasingly opting to expand their current solar power plant. The extension is gaining in popularity because it affects the daily increase in electricity consumption if the heating in the building is changed, e.g. to a heat pump or additional electronic equipment. In such a situation, an extension of the plant is w...

Jak zadbać o prawidłową eksploatację pomp ciepła? Serwisowanie/regularne przeglądy.

How to ensure the correct operation of heat pumps? Servicing/regular maintenance.

How to ensure the correct operation of heat pumps? Servicing/regular maintenance. The last two years have seen an increased interest in heat pumps for home heating. The necessity to replace old, classless boilers by September 2024 as a result of the anti-smog law and attractive subsidies encourage people to choose this ecological heat source. Although their operation is not complicated, it is worth familiarising yourself with...

Czym jest zabezpieczenie AFCI w falownikach?
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What is AFCI protection on inverters?

What is AFCI protection in inverters? AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection in inverters is an advanced technology used in photovoltaic systems to prevent electrical arcs on the direct current (DC) side. Electrical arcs can lead to fires, so detecting them and immediately shutting down the circuit is crucial for safety. Electrical arc detection methods are based on...

Wpływ śniegu na pracę paneli fotowoltaicznych? Odśnieżać czy nie?

Impact of snow on the operation of photovoltaic panels? To shovel snow or not?

Impact of snow on the operation of photovoltaic panels? To clear the snow or not? Winter has taken Poland by surprise, covering the roofs of houses and photovoltaic panels with snow. Winter is a magical time when the landscape is covered in a white blanket of snow. However, for owners of photovoltaic panels, this can raise some questions about the impact of snow on the performance of the installation. Hence, questions arise: does a photovoltaic installation need to be cleared of snow?...

Czym jest taryfa G13?

What is the G13 tariff?

The G13 tariff - when is it worth choosing it? Electricity is an integral part of our everyday lives. Without it, many of our appliances and systems would not work. Paying electricity bills can be a significant expense in the household budget. The right electricity tariff can significantly reduce your bills, provided it is matched to your household lifestyle and habits. Therefore.

Na czym polega uziemienie instalacji fotowoltaicznej?

What is the grounding of a photovoltaic installation?

What is the grounding of a photovoltaic installation? Photovoltaic installations are enjoying enduring popularity. In order for a photovoltaic installation to work properly and to protect it, grounding is recommended. Is earthing the installation necessary? If so, what should be kept in mind when carrying it out? In the following article you will find the answers to all your questions in the context of photovoltaic earthing! Photovoltaic earthing - what...

Jaki jest optymalny kąt nachylenia paneli fotowoltaicznych w Polsce?

What is the optimum tilt angle for photovoltaic panels in Poland?

What is the optimum angle for photovoltaic panels in Poland? Solar energy is an increasingly popular source of sustainable energy in Poland, which is linked to the growing interest in the installation of photovoltaic panels. One of the key aspects of designing an effective photovoltaic installation is to determine the optimal angle of inclination of the panels. It has a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire system and should be adjusted to...

Foton – klucz do zrozumienia fotowoltaiki

Photon - the key to understanding photovoltaics

The photon - the key to understanding photovoltaics In the world of science and technology, the photon is the key element that allows us to understand and harness solar energy in the form of photovoltaics. What is this mysterious particle that plays a key role in the process of converting solar energy into electricity? It is the elementary energy carrier that carries energy in the form of light. Without photons ...