AgroEnergia 2021- rusza druga część programu!

AgroEnergy 2021- the second part of the programme starts!

AgroEnergy - agricultural subsidy programme The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has confirmed a new launch date for the second part of the AgroEnergy programme. The announced date is 20 July 2021. The programme is aimed at the agricultural sector and aims to increase energy production from RES installations. Supporting investment in renewable energy sources will help to reduce the harmful impact of...



MIT #1 "There is not enough sunshine in Poland" A properly sized installation of 15-20 m2 is able to cover the average electricity demand for a Polish house. If 1% of our country's surface area were covered with photovoltaic modules, the energy obtained from them could power the entire country. MIT #2 'Photovoltaics is inefficient' Germany is the European leader in the amount of...