Czym jest zabezpieczenie AFCI w falownikach?
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What is AFCI protection on inverters?

What is AFCI protection in inverters? AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection in inverters is an advanced technology used in photovoltaic systems to prevent electrical arcs on the direct current (DC) side. Electrical arcs can lead to fires, so detecting them and immediately shutting down the circuit is crucial for safety. Electrical arc detection methods are based on...

Żywotność paneli fotowoltaicznych – ile wynosi i jak ją wydłużyć?

Lifespan of photovoltaic panels - how much is it and how to extend it?

Life expectancy of photovoltaic panels - how much is it and how to extend it? How long will photovoltaic panels produce energy from the sun? This is a question that almost everyone who is thinking of investing in photovoltaics asks themselves. The good news is that PV modules have a long lifespan. Why is the lifetime of PV panels so important? Durability affects the efficiency of the photovoltaic system and...

Kolektory słoneczne (solary) a panele (moduły) fotowoltaiczne – czym się różnią?
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Solar collectors (solars) vs. photovoltaic panels (modules) - what is the difference?

Solar collectors (solars) versus photovoltaic panels (modules) - what are the differences? Solar collectors and photovoltaic panels are apparently two similar systems that use solar energy. Many people confuse photovoltaic panels and solar collectors, mainly because of their similar appearance. Both systems can be mounted on roofs and on the ground. What they have in common...

Panele fotowoltaiczne – wymiary i waga

Photovoltaic panels - dimensions and weight

Size of photovoltaic panels - what does it depend on? When deciding on the installation of a photovoltaic system, in addition to the power, the size and weight of the photovoltaic panels should also be taken into account. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that roof constructions vary, which affects the possibility of using specific mounting solutions. What do the dimensions of photovoltaic panels depend on and what are they? What is the weight of the panels...

Żywotność pompy ciepła – ile lat wytrzymuje pompa ciepła? Jak bezpiecznie użytkować pompę ciepła.
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Life expectancy of a heat pump - how many years does a heat pump last? How to use a heat pump safely.

The lifespan of a heat pump is a key topic for those who decide to invest in this source of heating for a building. Is the investment long-term? How many years can a heat pump operate without losing performance? What factors can reduce the service life? These and other questions are answered in the following article! The service life of a heat pump depends on many...

Co to jest system zarządzania energią HEMS i do czego służy?
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What is the HEMS energy management system and what is it used for?

HEMS (Home Energy Management System) is a system for managing energy in the home. Its primary objective is to optimise energy consumption in real time through monitoring, control and automation. HEMS integrates different energy systems - photovoltaic installation, energy storage and home appliances. It can help save electricity and increase the comfort of living for household members. The HEMS system...

Co to jest dioda bocznikująca w panelu fotowoltaicznym? Do czego służy?

What is a bypass diode in a photovoltaic panel? What is it used for?

What is a bypass diode in a photovoltaic panel? What is it used for? A bypass diode, often also referred to as a protection diode or bypass diode, is an important component in the design of photovoltaic panels. It serves to protect the photovoltaic cells and ensures better module performance under partial shading conditions. Principle of the bypass diode Under normal sunlight and no shading, current flows through the...

Jak powstają panele fotowoltaiczne?

How are photovoltaic panels made?

Most photovoltaic panels are made from silicon wafers. Silicon is a very valuable resource for our planet as it is available in abundance. The manufacturing process of photovoltaic cells is described in detail in a previous article. How are photovoltaic panels made? Solar panels are made from six main components. They are assembled in advanced manufacturing facilities with extreme precision,...

Jak powstają ogniwa fotowoltaiczne?
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How are photovoltaic cells made?

How are photovoltaic cells made? Photovoltaic panels use photovoltaic cells, which are made from silicon crystalline wafers. Silicon wafers can be polycrystalline or monocrystalline and are manufactured using several different production methods. Currently, the most efficient type of cells are monocrystalline cells, which are manufactured using the Czochralski process. The Czochralski process is widely used...

Sprężarka do pompy ciepła

Heat pump compressor

Heat pump compressor The compressor in heat pumps plays a key role. Heat extracted from the air, ground or water is accumulated and can be used to heat our building. The compressor is the most important component that is responsible for the correct functioning of the building heating. The compressor in heat pumps is largely responsible for the efficiency of the heat pump. The compressor is one of the components in a heat pump that...

Jak dobrać pompę ciepła?
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How do you select a heat pump?

How do I choose a heat pump? The right choice of heat pump makes it possible to provide heat comfort in all weather conditions in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner. The right choice of unit is not easy, as many factors need to be taken into account, such as an accurate determination of the building's heating requirements. The best solution is to have this task carried out by specialists who will analyse all the factors. However, it is worth knowing ...

System hybrydowy Sofar Solar

Sofar Solar hybrid system

Hybrid photovoltaic installations enable maximum and efficient use of solar energy, as well as greater security in the event of grid interruption. The increasing number of photovoltaic installations speaks to the growth of the market for hybrid solutions. The Sofar Solar hybrid system meets the higher demands of Smart Home users and installers. Photovoltaic installations support smart home owners in...