The lifespan of a heat pump is a key topic for those who decide to invest in this source of heating for a building. Is the investment long-term? How many years can a heat pump operate without losing performance? What factors can reduce the service life? These and other questions are answered in the article below!

The lifespan of a heat pump depends on many factors, such as the quality of the pump itself, its operating conditions, the regularity of maintenance, the correct choice of unit parameters and whether the installation company has done a good job in designing and carrying out the installation.

The statistical average service life of a heat pump is approximately 20-25 years. However, manufacturers specify the hourly endurance of the system, from which the approximate number of years of operation can be estimated.

Heat pumps are divided into several types depending on the lower heat source used in the installation - ground, water, air.

How do I look after my heat pump so that it lasts as long as possible?

To ensure that the heat pump lasts as long as possible, it is worth bearing in mind a few things:

  • Regular maintenance: Just like any other appliance, heat pumps require regular maintenance. Technical inspection and maintenance will help to detect minor faults before they become more serious. An inspection once a year is required for most heat pumps.
  • Correct selection and installation: The proper design and execution of a heat pump installation by a qualified professional is the key to its long service life. First and foremost, it is a matter of selecting the parameters of the heat pump and the right choice of other installation components such as buffer, circulation pumps, filters, valves, etc. It is also important to carry out the installation in accordance with the heat pump manufacturer's recommendations as well as best practice.
  • Optimal working conditions: Heat pumps work most efficiently under certain conditions. For example, if the operating parameters are set incorrectly, the unit can wear out significantly faster.

Invest in a heat pump!

By keeping the above tips in mind and ensuring regular maintenance, you can significantly extend the life of your heat pump and enjoy its benefits for many years to come. Every one of our customers can count on advice and many valuable tips on heat pump operation.


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