HEMS (Home Energy Management System) is a system for managing energy in the home. Its primary objective is to optimise energy consumption in real time through monitoring, control and automation. HEMS integrates different energy systems - photovoltaic installation, energy storage and home appliances. It can help save electricity and increase the comfort of living for household members.

The HEMS system has a number of features that can optimise energy management in the home. Key features include:

  1. Monitoring: HEMS enables continuous monitoring of energy consumption. The user of the system can check at any time which appliances consume the most energy and track the overall energy consumption of the home.
  2. Automation: The system allows automatic control of appliances in the home depending on the user's preferences, weather conditions, energy prices or the availability of energy from renewable sources.
  3. Integration with RES: For homes that are equipped with a photovoltaic installation with energy storage, HEMS can optimise the consumption of the energy produced, storing it or returning it to the grid at the appropriate time.
  4. Savings: By optimising energy consumption and better managing renewable energy sources, HEMS can help reduce energy bills.
  5. Integrated solutions: Many HEMS systems integrate with other smart home systems, such as security, lighting or air conditioning systems, allowing for more comprehensive home management.
  6. Remote access: With mobile apps, users can monitor and control their home's energy consumption remotely, from anywhere in the world.
Production and energy consumption profile

The Home Energy Management System offers users many benefits such as energy savings, increased energy efficiency, energy self-sufficiency.

With increasing environmental awareness and the need to save energy, HEMS systems are becoming increasingly popular. They are particularly attractive to homeowners with their own sources of renewable energy, but can benefit anyone who wants to have better control over their home's energy consumption.




Funding My Current 5.0

In addition to the subsidy for the photovoltaic installation, support is also available for other equipment under the My Electricity programme:

  • Photovoltaic micro-installation - PLN 6,000 or 7,000
  • Heat storage - PLN 5,000
  • Grunt heat pump- PLN 28,500
  • Air-to-water heat pump with improved energy class (practically all pumps of this type available in the Sollab offer) - PLN 19,400
  • Air-to-water heat pump - PLN 12,600
  • Air-to-air heat pump (air-conditioning) - PLN 4,400
  • Electricity storage - PLN 16,000
  • EMS / HEMS system - PLN 3,000
  • Solar hot water collectors. - PLN 3,500


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