Wszystko, co powinieneś wiedzieć przed montażem paneli fotowoltaicznych

Everything you should know before installing photovoltaic panels

There is absolutely no doubt that ecology should be an undeniable priority for all of us. The condition of our planet is getting worse and worse. However, it is worth noting that modern construction offers a number of solutions which not only improve the condition of the natural environment, but also save a considerable amount of money. These include heat pumps, but...

Jakie panele fotowoltaiczne wybrać? [Poradnik 2021]

Which photovoltaic panels to choose? [Advice 2021]

People interested in investing in photovoltaics are usually laymen in this field. This is linked to the fact that when they walk into a photovoltaic shop or browse the offers on the Internet, they do not have enough knowledge to know what is the difference between the panels on display. Without knowing the characteristics and specifications to look out for, there is no way to choose the right...

Warto wiedzieć: czym jest carport i dotacja „Mój elektryk”. – Gdańsk, Trójmiasto

Worth knowing: what is a carport and the 'My electrician' subsidy. - Gdańsk, Tricity

My electric - a new programme of co-financing In a few weeks, the call for applications for the new programme of co-financing the purchase of electric vehicles organised by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) is due to start. The planned budget for the new programme is PLN 500 million, which is almost three times more than in previous years. So far, it is not known how to submit...

Ładowarki elektryczne – Gdańsk, trójmiasto

Electricity chargers - Gdansk, Tricity

Chargers for electric vehicles - Gdańsk, Pomerania The spread and popularisation of electromobility in Poland is closely linked to the development of a network of charging stations. An increasing number of charging points can be found in publicly accessible places such as petrol stations as well as city car parks, restaurants, hotels and shopping centres. Despite the developing charging infrastructure, it is still insufficient in relation to the constantly...

Rozwój elektromobilności- Gdańsk, trójmiasto, pomorskie

Electromobility development - Gdansk, Tricity, Pomerania

Electric vehicles, chargers - grants Gdansk, Tricity Over the last few years, a dynamic development of electromobility can be observed. Public awareness of the benefits of using electric-powered vehicles is growing. These include - the possibility to drive on bus lanes - the possibility to enter some European cities where driving combustion vehicles is prohibited....

Magazyny energii – na czym to polega?

Energy storage - what is it?

There is no denying that there are few solutions more popular and sought-after these days than photovoltaic installations. This fact should make us all happy, because never before has ecology been as affordable as it is now. This is because our planet is currently in very bad shape and we should be doing everything we can to make this state of affairs a little...

Jak przygotować dom pod instalację pompy ciepła ? – PORADNIK

How to prepare a house for a heat pump installation ? - HOW TO

The best time to decide to install a heat pump is when the house is being built. If the project did not include it from the beginning, it is worth checking what changes need to be made in order to avoid additional costs and work during the subsequent installation of the pump and so that the device itself can work most efficiently. This type of modern installation is not only intended to raise the standard of...

Dlaczego fotowoltaika się opłaca?

Why does photovoltaics pay off?

There is no doubt at all that modern construction is constantly evolving and offering more and more opportunities, especially in terms of significant money savings and environmental protection. Ecology is very important nowadays, because never before has our planet been in such a bad state as it is now. Therefore, it seems that photovoltaics (Gdansk) will be the ideal solution for anyone who...

MÓJ PRĄD 3.0 – skorzystaj z dofinansowania do fotowoltaiki

MY GENERATION 3.0 - Benefit from funding for photovoltaics

The next edition of the 'MY GENERATION' programme The next round of the 'MY GENERATION' programme, familiar to all photovoltaic enthusiasts, is fast approaching. The Ministry of Climate and Environment and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management are planning a call for applications for the period from 1 July to 20 December 2021, with an option to extend this period if the funds are not exhausted. It is known that, as in the previous edition, to take part in the programme ...