

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has scheduled the launch of a new subsidy called ''My Heat'' for the first half of 2022. This programme is an extremely important element in the fight against nationwide air pollution, and smog in particular. The aim of the programme is to financially support the purchase and installation of heat pumps, which are one of the most environmentally friendly sources of heating....

Fotowoltaika – zmiany w prawie w roku 2022. Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć

Photovoltaics - changes to the law in 2022 - everything you need to know

For many years, it has been possible to observe an increased interest among people in the photovoltaic industry. PV installations are increasingly appearing on roofs, garages or gardens. There is nothing surprising about this, as electricity bills are constantly rising and the numerous subsidy programmes for the purchase of photovoltaic installations are an ideal solution for saving money, but not only. Own solar power plants have become something...

Fotowoltaika. Wszystko, co ważne i niezbędne, zanim się zdecydujesz

Photovoltaics. Everything important and necessary before you decide

Interest in photovoltaics continues to be extremely high. Among all renewable energy sources, photovoltaic installations are the most popular in Poland. This state of affairs should not come as a surprise to anyone, as having one's own 'mini power plant' means being largely independent of the power grid in terms of external electricity supply. What's more? The savings, of course, as well as the ever-increasing possibilities of...

Instalacja fotowoltaiczna i zabezpieczenie ppoż – nie ryzykuj, zadbaj o bezpieczeństwo

Photovoltaic installation and fire protection - don't take risks, ensure safety

Photovoltaic installations are a solution that more and more people are opting for. They are not only among the most environmentally friendly solutions, but also among the safest sources of electricity. The dynamic development of photovoltaics also entails an increase in all kinds of specific requirements in terms of safety and correct functioning of the devices. Thus, when installing this type of structure, it is necessary to...

Farma fotowoltaiczna – czy warto w nią zainwestować?

Photovoltaic farm - is it worth investing in?

The possibility of extracting energy from the sun's rays has revolutionised the energy market. There is no doubt that the technology, which after all is only in its infancy, has a bright future in the area of renewable energy sources. Investing in this type of energy is an increasingly popular business model. Photovoltaic farms, which are being built in increasing numbers, are the technology of the future. Investment in this sector...

MOJE CIEPŁO- dotacje do pomp ciepła montowanych w nowych budynkach

MY HEAT - subsidies for heat pumps installed in new buildings

'My Heat' subsidy for 2022 The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) has scheduled the launch of a new subsidy called 'My Heat' for the first half of 2022, which aims to assist in the thermal modernisation of buildings and the replacement of heat sources with a much more environmentally friendly heat pump. This programme is an extremely important element in the fight against...

Rodzaje paneli fotowoltaicznych

Types of photovoltaic panels

Choosing photovoltaic modules The quality of the performance of the entire photovoltaic system is largely dependent on the type of panels used. The current market offers a wide variety of photovoltaic modules differing in price, performance, characteristics and appearance. The choice of modules will therefore not only affect the performance of the installation, but also the surface area occupied by it and its final...

Fotowoltaika do grzania wody – czy wystarczy?

Photovoltaics for water heating - is it enough?

Domestic hot water is an essential good in every household. Unfortunately, electricity prices are still rising and the demand for water is not decreasing. If you want not only to reduce your bills in the short term, but also to protect the environment, it is worth investing in PV modules, i.e. a photovoltaic installation. Heating water in this way has a number of advantages, and relies on the consumption of...

Czym jest mikrofalownik?

What is a microwave?

Increase in popularity of microinverters Microinverters are increasingly being proposed for photovoltaic installations mounted on complex, irregular, partially shaded roofs. They serve to optimise the operation of the entire installation by operating each module independently. Thanks to them, the weaker operation of one of the panels does not reduce the performance of the others. The modules operate in parallel rather than in series, giving them greater efficiency....

Brak możliwości montażu paneli słonecznych na dachu? Sprawdź panele fotowoltaiczne na gruncie

No possibility of installing solar panels on the roof? Check out ground-mounted photovoltaic panels

If we have vacant, undeveloped land in our possession, why not exploit its potential? Or are you looking for a way to lower your bills or want to protect the environment by using renewable energy sources? A photovoltaic system on the ground is the ideal solution in each case. This type of photovoltaic installation will also work well in situations where, for various reasons, we cannot or do not...

AgroEnergia 2021- rusza druga część programu!

AgroEnergy 2021- the second part of the programme starts!

AgroEnergy - agricultural subsidy programme The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has confirmed a new launch date for the second part of the AgroEnergy programme. The announced date is 20 July 2021. The programme is aimed at the agricultural sector and aims to increase energy production from RES installations. Supporting investment in renewable energy sources will help to reduce the harmful impact of...

Jak uzyskać dotacje na panele fotowoltaiczne?

How to get subsidies for photovoltaic panels?

The fact is that all kinds of renewable energy sources are springing up like mushrooms in Poland. We as a society should be very pleased with this, because thanks to the increasing use of photovoltaics and other such solutions, we can be aware of the fact that we are having less and less of a negative impact on the natural environment, whose condition over recent years has unfortunately w...